CBD Flower: The Ultimate Guide
CBD Flower is one of the most popular and famous cannabis brands that exists. CBD flower online have become increasingly popular because people see them as a low-cost producer of medical marijuana flower with a 3rd party lab test rating as well as excellent customer service.
However, CBD Flower also has an automated machine which is able to create flowers, oils and other products by using a proprietary process similar to the one used at large commercial grow facilities or small laboratory setups.
CBD Flower Extract
The CBD Flower Extract is made by extracting CBD from the flower organically grown on their farm and then allowing three different extraction processes to take place. The first extraction process happens in a 65% ethanol bath, where the CBDA/THC mix will be heated to around 100-130 degrees Celsius for at least 30 minutes. The second process happens in a proprietary solvent that dissolves the remaining THC/CBD waxes and oils. Lastly, the third process involves placing the solvents into a centrifuge and spinning it at high speeds to separate any remaining waxes.
CBD Flower Wax
CBD Flower Wax, which is also known as C8, is made of the same process as CBD Flower extract but it comes out with even smaller crystalline like particles, which makes it perfect for vaping.
CBD Flower Honey Oil (BHO)
CBD Flower BHO is made by basing the finished CBD flower wax in a solvent that dissolves both waxes and oils. This solvent has to be heated up 2 to 3 times its initial boiling point for at least 4 hours or until the initial volume of fluid has reduced by half. After the solvent has been put into a vacuum, the excess fluid will have to be separated from the oil/wax mix and then filtered.
CBD Flower Extract Isolate Capsules
CBD Flower Extract Isolate Capsules is a 100% organic extract made from the same medical cannabis that CBD Flower sells. The medical cannabis used in the capsules is extracted by a proprietary process to produce a pure molecule free from any other cannabinoids, waxes or plant material. This process also includes removing chlorophyll and terpenes to create an odorless and tasteless white powder that can be put in capsules for easy consumption.
As mentioned above, each of these processes differ from the others in their own unique way. Each gives the end product different properties, uses and effects on the body as well as on their smell, taste and appearance when consumed by a patient.